schedule of events
a/o 7 December 2024
All readiness and training requirements take priority over any other scheduled events. If you have any questions or need assistance with scheduling conflicts, please reach out to your supervisor for guidance and resolution.
0630-1030: PI60 Marching Practice assigned personnel will report to LRS at 0630 for clothing issue then proceed immediately to Hangar 10 for rehearsal
0700-0730: Leadership Stand-Up Meeting, Conference Room
0730-0800: Roll-Call/Formation, Conference Room
0900-0930: Safety Program Inspection, Computer Lab (USRs, POC: Chief Otero)
0900-1000: National Guard Youth Challenge Program Meeting, EA Office (Superintendents & Officers)
0900-1030: SAPR/SP Training, Wing Auditorium (SUN, TSHIMINYI, & WHEELER)
1000-1100: PI60 Planning Meeting, EA Office (Sections Chief/NCOICs, Superintendents & Officers)
1100-1300: Lunch (Staggered)
1200-1400: Retirement Ceremony in honor of MSgt Nelson T. Brothers, Conference Room
1430-1630: Retention Interview (Assigned Personnel, POC: TSgt Nero)
1630: End of Duty
0700-1100: Annual Awards Presentation & Wing Commander All-Call, Base Theatre (All Personnel)
1130-1430: CES Holiday Party, Conference Room (All Personnel and Family Members - civilian clothes are authorized only for the holiday party - POC: First Sergeant)
1630: End of Duty